SINK, split & multiple input/output

OUtpuT no value or multiple values

You can output _no_value or _multiple_values to indicate that no value should be appended to an output stream or that multiple values should be appended. For example if you extend a stream by the list [1, _no_value, 2] then the stream is extended by [1, 2], and _no_value is not appended to the stream. Note that streams can contain elements with the value None; for example, if you extend a stream by the list [1, None, 2] then the stream would be extended by [1, None, 2].

You can extend a stream by _multiple_values(v) where v is a list in which case each element of v is appended to the stream. If you extend a stream by [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]] then the contents of the stream will be extended by two elements: the list [0, 1, 2] and the list [3, 4, 5, 6]. If, however, you extend a stream by [_multiple_values( [0, 1, 2]), _multiple_values ([3, 4, 5, 6])] then the contents of the stream will be extended by a single list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Split, Multi, Sink Decorators

You can write applications using only map and merge; however, for convenience IoTPy also has a split decorator for single input and multiple outputs, the multi decorator for multiple inputs and multiple outputs, and sink for a single input and no outputs. These decorators can also use state and keyword parameters, but they don’t have a functional form. Since they are so similar to map and merge, you will be able to use them after looking at an example.

split: Single input multiple outputs

def h(v): return [v*2, v+10]
h(in_stream=x, out_streams=[y,z])
# y[n] = x[n]*2
# z[n] = x[n]+10

def f(window): return [sum(window), max(window)]
f(in_stream-x, out_streams=[y,z], window_size=3, step_size=2)
# y[n] = sum(x[2*n: 2*n+3])
# z[n] = max(x[2*n: 2*n+3])

For the special case of splitting a stream into exactly two streams you can also use a functional form as in the following examples.

def h(v): return [v*2, v+1000]
y, z = h(x)

def h(window): return [sum(window), max(window)]
y, z = h(x, window_size=3, step_size=2)

Click here to download examples of split or download examples from GitHub at IoTPy/examples/split/

The examples of multi are similar to split; the difference is the input to multi is a list of streams and not a single stream.

MUlti: Multiple input and output streams

def f(a_list): return max(a_list), sum(a_list)
f(in_streams=[w,x], out_streams=[y,z])
# y[n] = max(w[n], x[n])
# z[n] = sum(w[n], x[n])

 def f(windows):
         sum(sum(window) for window in windows),
         max(max(window) for window in windows))
f(in_streams=[w,x], out_streams=[y,z], 
  window_size=2, step_size=2)

Click here to download examples of multi or download examples from GitHub at IoTPy/examples/multi/


Sink has a single input and no outputs. It can be used with state and keyword arguments. It is exactly like the other decorators used to convert a conventional function into a function operating on streams.

In the following example, calling the decorated function pr(x) prints the elements of the stream x, with one element per line.

def pr(v): print (v)

Download examples of split from GitHub at IoTPy/examplese/sink/

Next: Integrating IoTPy code with your code.